In this project, I learned how to represent architectural concerns on a large scale as well as the staging and grounding of buildings and people within scenes of multiple scales, vantages, and styles. Having traveled to Chicago earlier in the semester, we chose this city to study. Starting from a distance, I worked my way down in scale and used various representation approaches to build a closer understanding of the place through drawing and imaging it. ​​​​​​​

Line Map: I created this satellite-image-based, curated plan view of a three mile stretch of the Chicago river by finding spots of interest along the line to include, deciding what is attached, and what cannot be trimmed away. I chose the densest area of movie cameo spots; inspired by one of my favorite scenes from The Untouchables when Ness meets Malone on Michigan Avenue Bridge.

City Plan: Zooming in on a larger-scaled close up portion of the line map, where the most spots of interest along the river, I used rendering techniques of images, shadows, lines, and notations to map and document.

Drone View: Choosing a view of my chosen view of the Michigan Avenue Bridge and surrounding interesting buildings, I modeled the scene.

Embodied Perspective: This embodied view of the place on interest used the same model of the drone view but in a closer, inhabited range. I produced a hybrid of abstractly rendered context and detailed area of focus highlighting the specific movie scene I focused on with added imagination and alternative endings to build up the visual depth and character of my image.

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