Investigating the mindless, or sometimes incredibly mindful rituals that I practice every day, led to a better understanding of the spaces where I live; the impact architecture has on ritual, and the subtleties and intricacies of the spatial qualities in which we reside. While investigating these three rituals, I developed representational skills with photography and words, spatial mapping, and line drawing.
Daily Rituals (above): I documented my own daily rituals and mundane tasks paying attention to the sequences, movements, frequency, rhythm, and time each required. Logging this information in my sketchbook I began to cultivate graphic documents and corresponding thematic images to portray these habits and tasks.

Spatial Mapping: I then investigated my three rituals as a spatial practice and used the technique of photo joiner, along with notation to compose these spatial maps of the rituals.

Toeing the Line: I then chose a specific zone of my living space where my rituals take place to construct a detailed digital model of in Rhino, which I then used to create a plan-perspective drawing of the space to embellish with drawing detail using only lines.

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